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Unfit to Lead

“How I use my energy as a leader answers the question every student has in the back of her mind: “Are you trying to serve God, or are you trying to be God?” The answer matters.”

Excerpt From

Meditations on Intention and Being

Rolf Gates

The Law of the Land, the Constitution of the United States of America, was not written as a set of rules with which to govern subjects. It was written to protect citizens from oppressive leaders. The Declaration of Independence makes it clear that the citizenry have more to fear from the government than the government has to fear from its citizens. The Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments to the Constitution, do not restrict your rights, they are a restriction on the powers of government.

This past year has been rough to say the least. The loss of human life has been startling. The loss of human dignity has been worse. All over the world we were asked to give up our freedoms and conform so that we could save human lives. No, actually we were not asked, we were told to give up our freedoms and conform. Whether we saved human lives or not is debatable. Whether we gave up the unalienable rights that the Declaration of Independence refers to as “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” is not.

It’s been more than a year ago since all of this started. Since that time we have dutifully followed government mandates and orders. We gave up the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. We watched as our leaders took advantage of this “pandemic”, to let us know who was really in charge. Science became a mantra of those in power. But, too often real science was ignored in favor of panic producing rhetoric. Strictly locked down states performed equally as poorly, or even more poorly, than less locked down states in controlling covid. The economy was crushed. Information that should have been made public was censored by the media and the all too powerful social media platforms.

The First Amendment was completely dismantled. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to exercise religious practice, the right to peacefully assemble, the right to petition the government, all nullified by a party that has publicly admitted they won’t let a good crisis go to waste. They made good on their word.

I’m embarrassed to be a part of this. And those of you that think it’s OK are purposely participating in an overthrow of the United States of America. This isn’t conspiracy theory nonsense and if you have any grasp of the meaning of w.... interesting. Zinc, mostly acquired through the consumption of meats in a natural human diet, is vital to our immune system. Other supplements, such as vitamin D3 also boost the immune system. This very important vitamin can actually be built up in the body through simple exposure to sunshine. Of course we’ve been told to stay locked up indoors and meat sources contribute to global warming.

We know that Covid is a serious disease. We know that it can ruin lives. We’re learning more about it all the time. The problem is, the damage is done and the damage has little to do with public health. The lies and misrepresentations that we’ve heard over the last year are now being absorbed by the majority of the American population without serious questions being asked. If the pandemic can’t produce enough fear, anger and division, then we will turn our attention to global warming or racism or gender inequity or any other catastrophe we can dream up to make people angry or scared. Election integrity does not exist unless the left wins. Wokeism, no matter how absurd tramples roughshod over liberty. Facts are blatantly ignored. Dictionaries are changing definitions to fit narratives right under our noses. This is being done without remorse or guilt. Catching them in a lie means nothing. They no longer care if they’re caught. They think they’ve won. And maybe they have.

It’s up to us. Are you OK with this? The FBI recently raided the home of a couple in a small town near where I live in Alaska. Their crime appears to be that they were conservatives in Washington DC on January 6th and the lady of the house wore a similar coat to a woman of interest in the search for Her Royal Highness Pelosi’s laptop computer. The details of the raid are both alarming and absurd. Similar, more high profile raids against those that oppose the left only intensify the distrust of the elites in power by those of us that pay attention. It’s beginning to look like a majority of Americans don’t care and don’t pay attention. Defund the local police, but let the federal governments police, the FBI, have free reign on normal citizens that don’t comply?

There are thousands of examples of governments abusing powers. And yes, the ruling elites, whether right or left are always integral in this abuse. But, never before, in this country, has it been as obvious as it is today when powerful politicians and privileged elites publicly tell anyone that disagrees with them to shut up and sit down and, for the most part, those in control of our information make sure we don’t hear the pleas of the abused and make fighting back extremely costly and almost futile.

So, what do those of us, that aren’t willing to trade away our freedoms for a few extra bucks or a little more power over others, do to stop this insanity? The lies and power grabs are now performed without shame, right in front of us. We are being dared to respond so that the liars in the media can twist the facts and hide the truths of that response, at least long enough to get them to the next election or executive order. The Democrats are openly threatening to pack the courts (read what this really is before you go into your “Republicans did it first” diatribe based on re-defined definitions by leftist publicists). They are in the process of taking the control of the rights of states to run their own elections (read US Congress House Bill 1). Ending the same filibuster they’ve used and supported so often in the past so they can proceed with their agenda on party line 50/50 votes, with the tie broken by their leftist Vice President. The list goes on and on. They are desperate to get it done now, because if they lose one Senator or a handful of Representatives or the Presidency, their chance may be gone forever. If they pull it off the Republic will be forever changed, just as they have so publicly predicted.

For them to pull this off we need to be divided. They are selling hate and division with everything they say and do. Unity is not everyone agreeing to do what one small group wants you to do. That is authoritarianism. Question them, tell them no, when the answer should be no. Exercise your basic human rights and start pushing back when they try to roll you over. Educate yourselves, your children and your friends. Read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Learn about the principles and methods of communism. We can do all of this without doing anything hateful or unjust. Maybe we can recover some much needed faith in mankind. Maybe we can learn to follow our hearts and let our egos rest. Maybe we can help society to find a little grace and dignity. Maybe we can remember how nice it feels to smile again.

Perhaps you don’t believe in God or you despise religion in all forms. But, what do you believe in? What do you turn to when you need to have faith that the right things are going to happen? If what you have faith in, is government, God help us. If you have faith in a door knob, you are better off than having faith in government. At least the door knob does not look down on you as inferior and seek to control every aspect of your life.

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