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Stand Up!

“The world isn’t in a dark place. We, as individuals choose to be in a dark place.” Unknown

The left is coming at us from all sides. It seems that they lose every battle, but, are still winning the war. They don't feel it necessary to flinch when caught in a lie or when obviously hiding the truth. They don't feel that they have to. In their minds they are in control. And maybe they are. They are filthy rich, they control our information and entertainment, they control higher education and are a huge influence on primary education, they are in a position to allow people to vote that have no proof of citizenship or where they reside, they are alarmingly close to destroying the spirit of the Supreme Court for strictly political needs. The list goes on and on.

The issues they stand on, taken individually, are weak and unimportant to the majority of the populace. But, we have let ourselves, as individuals, grow equally weak and we embrace victimhood to a point where the majority on any individual issue is buried by the outcry of the accumulated victims and their quest for justice, no matter the injustice of their revenge. In any society, when you take everyone that can claim victimhood, the women, the people of a different race, the sexually misunderstood, the economically taxed, the indigenous, the pandemic and global warming alarmists, and pretty much any challenged group and you rally them together, you have a majority. The marxists of the democrat party and their power obsessed leadership have learned to make these individual movements powerful by uniting them through emotions and anger to hate our country. Basically, to divide us by making each of us focus on everything we don’t have and to minimize the appreciation for what we do have. And the soulless leaders of this movement actually believe they will end up happy. But, those without souls are never happy and no one ever has everything.

I have to say, I am proud of each of us that have resisted. I’m proud of the class we have shown while the communists throw their fits and exhibit their false rage with every opportunity, no matter how insignificant. I’m proud to be one that doesn’t promote victimhood. I’m proud to believe in things bigger than myself. I’m proud to be able to make and take responsibility for, my own decisions. I’m proud to be one of the “people” and to be able to separate myself from the totalitarian government and it’s tyrannical campaign. I’m proud to say that no matter how powerful those tyrants become, they will never own my spirit or my soul.

However, the strength of the resistance to this very powerful communist movement in this country cannot come from me. It cannot come from Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis. The true passion behind this crusade to revitalize this great country needs to come from the strength and courage of the supposedly marginalized population. Real people, people that have the opportunity, but, don’t want to embrace victimhood, will see a Winsome Sears as proof that victimhood is a lame excuse for failure. See a Nikki Haley as the role model she is. Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, Martin Luther King Jr., Peter Thiel, all people that choose to represent themselves as free thinking individuals, not victims of race, gender or sexual orientation. Even those that present a more traditionally liberal attitude, such as Bill Maher, Dave Chappelle and Aaron Rodgers contribute. Although it is likely that none of them are apt to outwardly champion a conservative cause or endorse a conservative candidate, the strength displayed in their conviction to freedom is a message to the marxists that this country is not ready to bend a knee to their efforts at domination. These are people we can sit down with. These are people with which, we can find common ground.

I am honored to be a person that resists the current efforts of the elites to destroy our country and insert themselves as the supreme leaders they believe themselves to be. But, those of us that traditionally oppose these self important aristocrats need help. Union members, school teachers, entertainers, athletes, people of color, gays, transsexuals, youth, all of you that traditionally vote for democrats must decide if your party and their mindless, minions are more important than your freedom. They have lied to you, hidden the truth from you, propagandized tirelessly. We need you to be the voice of reason in response to the unreasonable. Are you ready to become marxists? Because that is what you are letting yourself become. You are fighting their battle for them. It’s time for you to bring your party back, or let it go. Start your own political party if you dislike Republicans that much. But, don’t let your disdain for what you believe about conservatives get in the way of your ability to see what progressivism really stands for. They take and push and demand and whine and spread their victim mentality relentlessly until you give in or fight back. Stand up. Be counted. If you don’t, you’ll never count again. Are we to thrive or are we to become the stepping stones for super rich, super arrogant, self interested trash and their mindless minions.

If communism wins, we all lose. It’s time for all of us that believe in freedom and liberty to stand together and reject the division that is purposefully being thrust upon us by those that feed on power. None of us are victims unless we let ourselves be.

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