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The Time Has Come

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Introduction to the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

I was making the bed this morning. That’s a part of my Sunday morning ritual. Listening to music, enjoying the moment alone accomplishing a tedious , yet detailed household chore. Sunday is always a day of reflection for me. I never know if it’s the end of last week or the beginning of next, but there is a tranquil melancholy that comes along with the transition.

I have recently taken a bigger interest in country music. I’ve lost touch with modern music and pop culture, as older people often do. If music isn’t magic it’s just noise, and magic needs sentiment to be magic. It’s hard for an older person to feel a fondness for a younger generations enchantment. Country music still offers me a glimpse of the youthfulness of the magic of music.

While searching for some new magic I came across a song. It was a duet. Two unlikely collaborators from two different worlds producing a moment of enchantment. I don’t really know much about Christina Aguilera other than she’s a super talented pop star. I realize she’s probably much more than that, but the flash and pageantry that follow her, seem incompatible with my simple, home grown appreciation of music. The other half of the duet was Blake Shelton, a figure more fitting of the search I was performing. I’ve always been intrigued by unlikely partnerships. I hit play. The song was “Just a Fool” and it was a fantastic combination, Aguilera’s soulful, artistic perfection and Shelton's heartfelt, wholesome emotion, combine to make a beautiful experience. Two exceptional talents from two different worlds singing about a universal problem. Foolishly holding on to a relationship that will never last.

My Sunday state of mind, combined with the current state of affairs in the country and the brilliant performance of these two contrasting genres brought me to an emotional moment. In my mind, distressed by current events as it is, I drew a correlation between the contrasting styles of the artists, the polarizing politics of the day and the message of the song. It was a sobering moment.

The song was recorded in 2012. We were just beginning our destructive trip into unforgiving political division. This country is now thoroughly divided into two distinct schools of thought. Are we not just fools, to believe that we can live together under the same flag? We listen to news sources that differ greatly on their interpretations of events, we translate the same history with entirely different conclusions, we have totally different views on the function of government, we even choose to follow our own science. The problem is, even though we are willing to live with you, you need us to change and we won’t. We need the freedom you so intensely need us to give up. It is who we are. It is who we were meant to be. When it is gone we will cease to exist. You need us to be something we’re not. We are incompatible. We are just fools pretending otherwise.

How do we divorce ourselves from those that wish to control us? It would be nice if they realized we won’t be controlled and let us take our Constitution and our laws and our principles and go peacefully. Helped us find a place where we could leave each other alone. Like a selfish, hateful ex, they don’t seem willing to do that. It seems as if they think they need us. But, we don’t need them. The only thing holding us together is the home that they hate and we are the reason they hate it. They will not be happy until they change us or eliminate us.

I’ve heard it called a national divorce. Maybe it’s time.

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