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Moving on

Updated: Jan 30, 2021

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

—Will Rogers”

Well....... I knew there was a reason I didn’t post my latest tirade. It was an end of the year summary of all of the hypocritical actions of our elites in the media, political arena, entertainment industry, educational institutions, and big tech syndicate. It’s so easy to go on and on with so many examples and cases of blatant deceit. But we that choose to be, are already aware of all of this.

And then, on January 6th, 2021 something happened. I watched in disgust as angry Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill to interrupt the certification of Joe Biden as President of The, ‘not so’ United, States of America.

For more than four years, conservatives have taken the high road as leftists did everything in their power to diminish our right to exist. We sat and watched as they burned and looted our local neighborhoods and businesses, and terrorized anyone that stood in their way, often to the cheers of leftist politicians and leaders. Our businesses were shut down while every Major Democrat donor thrived under a pandemic created in the heart of the socialist world, China. We listened to their elitist, out of touch media, as they ridiculed us for our values, religious beliefs and moral standards. We were called nazis and bigots. We were spit on, and refused service. And despite all of that, we remained disciplined.

And then this. The rewards of years of patience were wiped out in a few hours of emotional chaos. All of the accusations of the left became reality in the minds of a Trump hating flock with one isolated event. Remember, they never let a good crisis go to waste. Facts will be ignored. Alarmists will be quoted. And everyone that voted for Trump will be blamed.

Conservatives have no room for emotional displays of desperation. We survive and thrive through faith. Faith that truth and liberty will prevail. Faith in our God, in our Constitution, in humanity. The lack of faith shown by those that stormed the Capital revealed a crack in the armor of conservative America. Those rioters, like the BLM rioters we watched all year long, were extremists. The inevitable result of this tantrum will be a crackdown by those that currently control our information. They use fear to push their agendas. However, their fear of us is obvious in the fact that they clearly fear our opinions and diverse thought. Fear and hate, fear and hate.

Hate is a very powerful, destructive emotion. It can make one ignore facts and cling to lies. It can be used as a tool to control the desperate who look for someone to blame for their dire situations. It can be used to control the elite and the privileged as they search for excuses for their own abhorrent behaviors. It can be used by the evil against all of us in their relentless pursuit of power.

“Men often hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they can not communicate; they can not communicate because they are separated”. Martin Luther King Jr.

Leftists are masters of hate. They need division amongst the rest of us to gain and utilize their power, their control. Hate is a fear based emotion. It wasn’t that long ago when we were able to talk to our liberal neighbors, friends, and relatives. Liberals, conservatives and libertarians argued and discussed and disagreed our way into a better world. The left, and the right, for that matter, stand alone. They don’t really want things to get better. They want things to get worse. They want division. They want separation. They want fear. They want hate.

Trump is easy to hate. I, myself, had to overcome a deep dislike for him. On top of that, he is feared by the left. Their fear fed their hate. They were going to be exposed. In desperation they lied, they cheated, and they bullied using the hatred of Donald Trump as their rallying cry. Never has it become so apparent that power corrupts as it was in the United States of America under President Donald Trump. But, regardless of the claims of our very, extremely biased media it wasn’t Donald Trump that was wielding the power. It has always been an established power base in Washington DC that distributes it’s corrupt authority to it’s parasitic sycophants in the media, the entertainment industry, educational elites, unions and the newest, most dangerous of societies leeches, big tech. These are filthy rich, self important, elitists that do not know you, do not respect you and they hate you.

Most of America is not being listened to. Blacks and minorities in the inner cities have been used and ignored for many decades. But, it isn’t racism amongst your police departments that is at the foundation of your plight. Nor is it the perceived white privilege that the truly privileged tirelessly push on you. It is the leftists in control of the cities that promise to make things better and never do. Middle Americans have also been used and ignored for decades and are being openly passed over today. But, it isn’t the fault of welfare recipients and liberal thought, It’s the compromised politicians that have completely forgotten their constituents.

None of us are being taken seriously and until we are, things will only get better for those at the top. We need to start locally and find a way to restore some confidence in our government and ourselves. And, we must be accountable to expect accountable leaders. None of us have the answer or the cure to what is ailing our country. All of us do. In my mind, the most important thing to do in a free country is live free and allow others to do the same. It matters not the color of your skin, your religion, your income level. We all have a right to be heard. We need to learn to smile at perfect strangers again. Find humor again. My God!, we are missing humor. We are all capable of living without hate. Those that are not capable should not be given an audience. Twitter, facebook, youtube, google, amazon, instagram, snapchat.....they deserve the same respect they give. For those Trump haters out there, you will one day disagree with these tyrants. If you don’t stand up for me now, I will not be around to stand up for you when that time comes. Trump is no longer a legitimate excuse. You either back a socialist agenda that despises the country in which you live or you stand up, be proud and be free. Ask anyone that’s given up their freedom what it’s worth. It’s worth fighting for.

There’s always talk of unity amongst politicians. It’s us, the little people, that need to unify.....against them, the elite.

Just as hate can spread through fear, so can harmony spread through faith. Victims no more, lets take it back, one elected office at a time.

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