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  • mycontemplations

Let Them Have It, But Don’t Let Them Take It

I will not partake in certain things. When I was a child, white supremacy was not just an excuse to hate those that didn’t follow your wokeness, using every excuse you could dream up to invoke your own racist narrative. It was real. It wasn’t prevalent, but, it was much more present in day to day living than it is today. I was taught different and when someone engaged in racist behavior I did not partake.

Neither will I partake in todays idolatry for wokeness. There is a purpose for all of this outrage. The seed was planted decades ago, when the importance of family and education and spiritual strength, and the natural laws of humanity and countless other positive human traits were brought into question. At the time we were going through a constructive period of societal growth, as we learned better to respect those that were different than us. Learned to see that those traditionally judged as less capable due to their sex, or skin color, or religious views, or social status, or whatever, were in fact capable of contributing enormously to our existence. And then the nonsensical movement toward wokeness decided it was time to take advantage of our open minds. We soon found that a large portion of our country had lost their ability to think for themselves. Suddenly it became obvious that the people we trusted the least were running our government and our lives. Self interested, walking, talking egos became our sources of information and security. It’s reached the point where they don’t even hide it. And yet, we, as a society, are accepting it, as cattle accept their place in the pasture.

And now we are seeing the reemergence of those negative judgements we worked so hard to overcome. The victims have changed, but, the idiocy remains and the outcome is equally damaging. As a community we worked hard to rid ourselves of segregation. We worked hard to overcome our obsessions with skin color and sex and to look at each other as one species trying to find the right path to the future. The results may have seemed slow in coming, but, they were true and heartfelt and unforced, and we, as a people, were proud of our accomplishments. And while we were marveling in our oneness, the leftists, that were sure we’d never get as far as we did, started to tear it all down.

I will not partake.

It’s time for me to ruin my chances to ever run for public office. Or, to even be successful outside of my conservative little bubble in Kenai, Alaska. I am going to exercise my First Amendment rights and it is going to be seem totally unacceptable to the loud mouth minority and it’s powerful elitist leadership.

Men are men, women are women. You can be attracted to whatever you want, you can even try to change it, but that fact doesn’t change and declaring different doesn’t change the fact.

Global warming is happening. It’s out of our control. Whether enhanced by the presence of humans or not, it is a natural element of the cycle of earth’s existence. Quit pretending it can be stopped and looking for a scapegoat. Let’s stand together and deal with it.

Mathematics is not racist. It is one of the most basic functions of the human mind. A person of color is as capable of performing mathematical processes as a white person and whoever figures out how to master it will be able to help society to conquer problems……like global warming and pandemics. Fools and elitists believe different, either because they don’t mind being used or they want to use.

Our Democrat run inner cities are a mess. Nowhere is the failure of woke leadership more apparent than in the cesspools we call urban America. This is what happens when we depend on government.

The media is corrupt (people in cages at the border). The deep state is real (Milley and China). Hollywood and entertainment set very poor roll models to live by (the tragic examples are endless).

These opinions, along with many others, are mine. I won’t change them without evidence that they are incorrect. You can be outraged, you can call me names, you can shun me. You can refuse to do business with me. You can take away my rights to have a bank account. You can make it virtually impossible for me to make a living in your woke world. Still, I will own my opinion and you can’t have it.

We need options. Today, given any choice whatsoever, we need to insure the success of those leaders, businesses and institutions that promote our freedoms to think, question and speak. Cancel culture is a feature of a scared, weak minded populace and a tyrannical, overbearing government. It’s embarrassing for me to be associated with either.

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