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A New Face

“With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.”

Abraham Lincoln

Thank you Donald Trump for everything you have done for this country. At a time when we needed it most you stood up for us. You put the spotlight on the otherwise unseen. You exposed the swamp for what it is. You reminded us that we are the most important part of America and that this country has an opportunity, or, I should say, an obligation, to lead this world with lessons of freedom, liberty and strength. That we don’t need to follow the elitist marxists into a one world government under the leadership of the all powerful Chinese Communist Party and a group of spineless wokesters too weak to stand up to them.

That being said, relax Buddy. Your message won’t resonate with too large a portion of this country. You’ve done your part. I wish there was a way to give you the self satisfaction you deserve. But, the egos involved are too big and the stakes are too high to mess it up. We’re walking a tightrope and you’re a driving a tank. We need to give it one more chance before we blow it all up.

When Soros is gone his movement will continue. There is only one AOC, but there are literally millions of Sandy Ocasios following in her footsteps. For every Pelosi there are countless, selfish elites and for every Chucky Schumer or Adam Schiff there are an abundance of arrogant, self interested, frauds seeking unlimited power. But, that’s the difference between them and us. They need these mindless mouthpieces to tell them how to vote, how to think and how to act. We don’t need a figurehead. We just need a reminder. Someone to remind us that we can’t just sit back and wait for things to work out. Cuz while we were busy doin’ that, we nearly gave it all away. You reminded us, just in time. And we will always be grateful for that. Now it’s up to us. We can use your help, but, we can’t afford to make you the face of our campaign. We need to learn to lead. It’s up to us, all of us, to do our part. To get to work, to do what’s right, to help our neighbors, to have faith in the goodness of humankind. It’s time for each of us to give. Have faith in us. We will not fail.

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